About us

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NGO “Geothermal Ukraine”

Non-profit organization that conducts research in the field of geothermal energy for integrated harvesting of geothermal resources in Ukraine.

Geothermal Ukraine aims to promote geothermal energy application as a sustainable and clean energy source while considering the well-being of communities and the environmental impact.

Founded in April 2022, Geothermal Ukraine combines the efforts, knowledge and skills of professionals in the field of petroleum engineering, geoscience and other academic and research expertise in fields related to geothermal energy.

The synergy of the academic and professional research community with the oil and gas industry contributes to the development of Ukraine’s geothermal potential to ensure energy independence and enhance the energy security level.

Geothermal Ukraine facilitates the implementation of the wide range of researches, technologies application, conducting  educational programs, training and consulting services.


Prompt the development of R&D activities to reveal the geoenergy potential of Ukraine.


Promoting Ukraine's energy transformation, where geothermal resources play a key role in transitioning to low-carbon development.
Creating and expanding energy opportunities for communities, reducing dependence on fossil fuels.
Ensuring energy security and environmental well-being for future generations in alignment with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.


Technology-based innovation
Sustainability and environmental stewardship
Advocacy for responsible geothermal development
Life-long learning


R&D activities and implementation of technological innovations aimed at increasing the efficiency and environmental sustainability of geothermal energy resources harvesting in Ukraine;


Cooperation with state and regulatory bodies for the development of relevant regulatory acts in Ukraine, which will contribute to the responsible development of geothermal projects.


Engage with local authorities, local communities, fostering partnerships and ensuring their benefit from geothermal projects considering their concerns and requirements.


Support capacity building efforts, creation of training programs and knowledge sharing initiatives between members of the Organization and other interested parties.


Raising awareness to promote the application of clean geothermal energy as a component of a sustainable energy system in Ukraine.


Fostering cooperation and partnership at the national and international levels for the experience exchange, the application of the best global practices for the development of geothermal energy projects.

become a member

Geothermal Ukraine NGO invites professionals in oil and gas engineering, geothermal engineering, earth sciences, industry leaders, researchers, policymakers, experts, and other enthusiasts passionate about geothermal energy to join our dynamic community. By becoming a member of our organization, you will gain access to a plethora of benefits and opportunities to interact with like-minded professionals and experts in the field:
Access to a professional network with industry leaders, researchers, policymakers, and other experts.
Participation in joint scientific research projects and innovative initiatives aimed at the development of geothermal energy.
Direct impact on the development of geothermal energy.
Professional development. Enhance your skills through our educational programs and seminars.
Knowledge exchange. Gain access to exclusive resources, publications, and educational materials to deepen your understanding and experience in geothermal energy.
Participation in various discussions, sessions, and other networking events.

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